Are You Building on a Weak Foundation?

Learning about the basics is boring. We prefer to hear about the new. We like the hot and sexy—the latest innovations.

Our attention drifts to new concepts. (“Artificial intelligence will replace lawyers!”)

Our ears perk up when we learn about a new, revenue-boosting technology. (“Speak with prospects right through your website!”)

We get giddy when we hear about a new, exploding practice area. (“The real money is in cybersecurity law!”)

But Is the New Worthy of Our Attention?

Our focus on the new distracts us from the basics. We prefer new things to the routine. But is that how you build a business?

  • We wonder whether we should revamp our website, but we’re still using an or address.
  • We wonder whether we should advertise on Facebook, but we leave calls unreturned for days.
  • We wonder whether we should add a new practice area, but there’s no one waiting at the front desk for clients.
  • We wonder whether we should add that instant chat feature to our website, but we have 1,500 unread emails in our inbox.
  • We wonder whether we should have a logo designed for our business cards, but we haven’t handed out a business card in months.
  • We wonder whether we should add an associate, but we can’t retain a paralegal for more than 10 weeks.

The basics matter. They come first. They take time to master because many of them are foreign to us. For most of us, the basics of running a business don’t come naturally because they aren’t interesting.

It’s tough to add layers of complexity when the foundation is shaky. When we add new layers too quickly without the necessary care, the foundation becomes stressed and inevitably crumbles.

Focus, My Friend

Focus on the foundation. Build it strong. Spend too much time getting it right.

Figure out client service. Master managing your people. Build financial systems. Implement good technology. Grow your reputation with steady effort.

The basics matter. The new thing can wait until your business is ready.

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