Why You Aren’t Getting Referrals from an Old Referral Source?

I got a nice, handwritten, thank-you note in the mail the other day.  It was from a lawyer thanking me for adding her to our referral list on our web site.  It pleased me to hear that she had already received several referrals as a result of being on the list.

Receiving her note made me realize how infrequently I get thank-you notes like hers.  I’m sure that lots of other lawyers are getting referrals from that list on the web site.  The page gets hundreds of visitors a day.

It made me wonder why some lawyers might not send thank you-notes.  Maybe they’re too busy.  Maybe they have other priorities.

I think that’s a mistake.  It’s critical to treat your referral sources as a top priority.  You’ve got to, immediately, acknowledge their contribution to the growth of your practice.  Without consistent referrals of good clients your practice is toast.

We refer, with some frequency, to a private investigator that treats us right.  Every so often he brings breakfast by the office for everybody.  Usually he brings bagels and cream cheese and hangs out to chat.  He sends a note every time we send a referral.  He drops off a pile of Christmas goodies each year during the holidays.  He’s someone our lawyers remember and refer to without hesitation.

Our private investigator ought to be your role model.  It’s essential that you write a thank-you note every time you get a referral.  I’d suggest you have some nice cards with your name printed on them ready for that occasion.  Follow the example of our private investigator and your practice will continue to grow and thrive.

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