Easy Due Diligence on (Despicable) Marketing Services

Think. Research. Carefully analyze claims. Verify. Dig deeper. Snoop.

These are the things you do when you work on behalf of your clients. You leave no stone unturned. You apply the sniff test. You keep asking for more, and more, and more until you’ve found the smoking gun.

You are on a quest for the truth and, eventually, you find it.

But when some sales guy from some marketing company offers these lines, we’re toast.

  • I turned $15 in Facebook into $25,000 in revenue.
  • I’ve got a hundred great quality leads just desperate to find a lawyer like you.
  • I’ve got a mobile app we can set up for you that works like gangbusters.
  • We can search engine optimize your site and you’ll be busier than you’d ever dreamed.

We can’t be bothered to think, research, analyze, verify, dig, or snoop.

We can’t be bothered to…

  • wonder why their references insist on remaining “confidential,”
  • wonder why the salesperson worked as a desk clerk at Marriott until last month (per LinkedIn),
  • ask why the video company has just 359 views on its YouTube video after two years,
  • dig around and figure out where their leads are sourced, or
  • check the rankings of their client sites.

Why do we do the work for our clients but not for ourselves?

Maybe it’s because we’re so desperate to believe? Maybe it’s because we get caught up in our greed? Maybe it’s because we just want to be lawyers and can’t be bothered to focus on whether we succeed?

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