How to Stick to Your New Year’s Resolutions

It’s time, past time, to plan your 2010. We’ve been talking about that here and I hope you’ve been listening.

By now, you should have some goals outlined and some plans coming together so that your goals are realized.

StickK is a website aimed at helping you meet your goals.
With StickK you (1) select your goal, (2) set the stakes, (3) get a referee, and (4) add friends for support. Basically, you set your goal and “put a contract out on yourself.”

StickK was founded by three Yale economists and it’s growing by leaps and bounds. It’s growing because it works.

Imagine setting your goal, telling your friends and family, putting some money on the line and really committing yourself. It’s a formula for success.

And you can’t go wrong because you’re going to achieve the goals you set for yourself.

Why bother with stickK? Why not just commit to yourself and go for it? Because research reveals that commitment contracts, like those offered by stickK, can more than triple your chance of success. That’s a pretty solid reason.

What have you got to lose? If you’re serious about your goals then make a commitment and deliver. If you’re not willing to use stickK you’re not serious about making your dreams come true.

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