The sun came out briefly here in Dublin. It happened on Monday, and it hasn’t happened since. I suppose we’re getting a full Irish experience. I bought some waterproof shoes on Tuesday, so it’s all good.
But, seriously, we made the most of Monday and did lots of walking outside so we could see as much as possible before the rain started again. We figured we’d do inside stuff once the cold, windy wetness resumed.
You need to “make hay while the sun shines” too. When you have those brief downtimes, use them to make some calls to referral sources or write something for your website. The sun doesn’t shine that way in our practices that often. Take advantage when that case settles unexpectedly or when the client fails to show up for the meeting. Be prepared to use those moments, because they’re few and far between. The picture above is one of the few I captured while the sun was out. I’ll include a wet picture next week since that’s likely all I’ll have.
Ireland is great now that I’ve moved past my resistance to being damp and walking in the rain. I’m embracing the drizzle and the puddles and moving on. It’s that or sit in my room waiting for the sun to come out again.
We continue to plug away at the new Rosen Institute site, and we’re very aware of the waiting list that’s building. We’ll admit some new members once we’ve got the new website up and the technology running smoothly. If you’re on the list, please be patient. The new site will feature the formation of small mastermind groups and Slack as a communication channel.
I’ve never visited Dublin before, and I’m thrilled to be here. We’re enjoying hanging out with our younger kid, and my mother popped in for tea on Tuesday (she’s on a cruise that stopped here for the day). We’ll leave Dublin on Saturday and drive (on the wrong side) out to the country where we’ve got a place lined up for a month. Maybe it rains less out there? I’ll let you know.