Where are we Meeting for Lunch?

I drive our lawyers crazy pushing them to take referral sources to lunch, coffee, breakfast, drinks, etc. I get lots of requests for suggestions about where to meet the lawyer, doctor, accountant or whatever and the answer is always the same – “wherever they want to meet”. But now I can provide some help courtesy of a new, free website – Rendeznew. It’s “the New way to meet in the middle”. You input your address, the other person’s address and it spits out a middle ground place to eat, drink, meet or play.

To give it a test drive I input my home and office addresses and asked for a sushi place in the middle. In about a half second it spit out a great sushi place that is right in the middle. If I hadn’t just come from lunch I would have headed out right then. Rendeznew even provides directions and a map.  Thanks to FutureLawyer for pointing the site out.

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