How to Recycle Your Blog Posts

Creating new content for your blog or website is tough. Between client work, managing your office, and everything else, it’s difficult to find the time to keep creating new material for your audience.

When you do create something useful, it’s critical that you get the most out of it. You’ve got to recycle and reuse the content as much as possible for maximum return on your investment.

Here are five ways to repurpose your content so that you get as many benefits from your effort as possible.

1. Turn it into an e-mail. You can use every article you write as an e-mail to your current client list, prospective client list, and former client list. It’s great to keep yourself top of mind with all these folks. Use a service like Aweber to maintain the list and allow your contacts to control the e-mail on their own.

2. Turn it into a video. Take your material and convert it into a conversational video. Place the video on your website and YouTube and make it available to referral sources for their use. Don’t go crazy with hiring a video production company and spending a fortune. Just crank out something simple using a camcorder set up in a quiet location in your office.

3. Create a report. Gather several posts on the same topic and create a report for downloading from your site. You might offer it in exchange for signing up for your e-mail list. Maybe you can take five or ten of your articles on child custody and create a child custody e-book. Make the e-book available via download from your site. You can have the report professionally printed and snail mail it to referral sources.

4. Send the report to the media. Take the report you created on child custody, attach a cover letter, and send it to all the local TV, radio, and newspaper reporters for them to save as a reference when these issues come up in the news. You can e-mail it if you like and include a link to the e-mail. Make it clear, through your writing, that you’re an expert and assert that you’re available as a resource when the need arises.

5. Post your article or report to article sites. Submit the report to EzineArticles. This website will be happy to publish your material–free. Be sure to include a link back to your website so readers can find you.

There are many more options for recycling your content. You can submit articles to local publications for their use. You can take your articles and turn them into a speech for local civic groups. You can use the articles as the basis for an adult continuing education course. You’ve spent considerable–and valuable–time creating your material. Make sure you use it over and over again.

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