Am I Retiring?

Am I retiring? That’s a question I’ve been getting lately.

It keeps coming up as I reference my departure from North Carolina and my plan to work remotely from parts unknown.

Nope, I’m not retiring.

However, I will be working remotely. I’ll do from there, wherever “there” may be, exactly what I’m doing now from here.

With my laptop and my phone, I can work from anywhere, and that’s what I’ll be doing. I’ll be taking advantage of the technology so that I can have lunch in Lagos or spend the weekend in Accra.

I’m not alone. Our people—all of them—work remotely. They only go into an office for client meetings and depositions. Otherwise, they work from home or from wherever they like.

They use their phones and laptops for calls, view and manipulate documents through NetDocuments, keep up with case status information through Salesforce, and handle email and calendar through Google Apps for Business.

Today, with the available technology, travel doesn’t mean retirement. If you’ve got the will to wander, you don’t need to wait until you stop working. You can wander and work at the same time and in the same place.

Anyone up for joining me for chocolate in Brussels or a hot bowl of Koshari in Cairo?

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